Success Stories

His Father's Son - In this video, Captain Roy talks about the loss of his firefighter father to occupational cancer.

Captain Patrick “P.J.” Roy, Ladder Co. 3, Fitchburg Fire Department, MFA Instructor of Taking Action against Cancer in the Fire Service

When I was asked to join the cancer awareness team at the Department of Fire Services (DFS), I was excited to spread the word about the most dangerous under-recognized threat to firefighters - cancer! My father was a Fitchburg firefighter. He passed away at age 62 from occupational cancer. His death motivated me to spread the word about early cancer detection and prevention to as many firefighters as I could reach. 

DFS offers many free cancer screenings. One of the newer screenings is a CT scan. I knew this was an important test, but I was terrified about getting it!

I had been involved in promoting cancer awareness and screening to other firefighters for more than 5 years, but I was so worried about the CT scan that  I talked myself out of getting it. I was afraid the scan would detect something, maybe something that would prevent me from firefighting.  But, I continued to think about it. “What if they find a cancer but treat me early. I would be back at work and healthy!” I also thought, “This scan could have saved my father! He could have met his grandkids and been around for his family.” I realized that getting the test was a no-brainer!

I had the test. Luckily, my scan was clear. I know firefighters whose scans found cancers. But, they were found early and treated and these people are now healthy.

DFS has one of the best cancer awareness and screening programs in the country.  Massachusetts firefighters can take advantage of education and screenings to stay aware of the cancer epidemic in the fire service and to stay healthy.

Lieutenant Michael Soltys, Boxford Fire Department

“My first thought when I heard about free CT scans for cancer screening was, “Why not? It’s free.”

So I signed up for the CT scan and  a calcium test.  After I signed up, new thoughts came into my mind. “What if my calcium score shows signs of heart issues and I have to leave firefighting?”  That thought stuck with me.  I almost canceled several times for fear that my career in the fire service might be over. 

Test results showed an excellent calcium score, but the scan showed a 5.5 cm mass on my thyroid.  That was not the news I was expecting. I never considered that the CT scan would reveal anything. I consulted with several doctors and decided to remove half of my thyroid.  After the surgery, tests showed that the mass was not cancerous.   When the doctor gave me this news, I asked, “What if the mass was not detected?” The doctor said, “We don’t know.” I’m relieved that I know the mass isn’t cancerous. Not knowing about it is a chance I would not want to take. If the free CT scan was not offered to me, I might have had far more serious issues than the loss of half my thyroid.  I can’t say it enough, “This test was so important for me and my family!”

The month between the CT scan results and learning that the mass was benign felt like years. It was an emotionally overwhelming time.  The support that I received from DFS and the IAFF was phenomenal.   I urge everyone in the Fire Service to take advantage of the free cancer screenings from DFS and the IAFF.”

Deputy Chief Michael Donoghue, Chelmsford Fire Department

“I was fortunate to take part in the cancer screenings offered by DFS. First, I had the skin cancer screening. The doctor found a spot on my head and referred me for further testing. Luckily, the spot was benign. I will have a follow-up screening in one year.

Next, I signed up for the CT scan and paid $100 for the calcium score. According to my doctor, the CT scan was ok, but I had a high calcium score and I was referred to a cardiologist for further evaluation. I had an ultrasound and a stress test. As a result, the cardiologist made minor modifications to my medicines. I was, and still am, completely asymptomatic. I will now see the cardiologist each year.  

The early detection programs offered by DFS are an asset to the fire service if people take advantage of them. I encouraged all my members to take part. I especially encouraged older firefighters. I'm an “older” firefighter at age 55, beginning my 28th year with the fire service. “

Chief Daniel Stamborski, Chicopee Fire Department

“DFS cancer screenings are an amazing opportunity for every firefighter. I’m a 25-year veteran of the fire service. Over time I’ve found that you must be proactive about your health or many issues can be dismissed or overlooked.

Annual physicals are minimal. Most take only a few minutes and include the most basic examinations. If your doctor is on the ball, you may have some basic blood work. For several years, I had an excellent primary care doctor. I was able to educate him about my occupational risks based on a DFS class. The instructor provided a checklist to share with doctors – it listed all the tests a firefighter should have. My doctor used the list to get me regular chest x- rays and additional blood work each year.

13 years ago I lost my father, a 28-year veteran firefighter, to bladder cancer. My doctor explained that bladder cancer is occupational, not hereditary. He recommended a very inexpensive urine test that I had to pay for. This ought to be a standard test for all firefighters.  

I commend DFS for the effort to build awareness and to offer information and screening about occupational cancer in the fire service. I think that state government should push for thorough physicals that mirror those the state HazMat team gets. Full body scans at a group discount are another good idea. There are countless stories of the benefits of these scans. I paid for my own after my father passed and it was $500.00. Negotiating a state group rate could bring that cost down.

Recently, I had a CT screening through the DFS program. They found spots on my lower lungs that led to an asthma diagnosis. I am being treated and I feel much better. The scan also identified an enlarged thyroid that my doctor is monitoring. I applaud the efforts of DFS. The cancer screenings and awareness training will undoubtedly save some lives. Everyone should take advantage of the programs.”

Captain Phil Rogers, Chelsea Fire Department

I'm 51 and have been a member of the fire service since 1993.  I had both the CT scan and the skin cancer screening and I had a wonderful and painless experience.  I had one mole removed from my nose which was non-cancerous. I highly recommend the screenings for every firefighter.  Too many of us are dying from cancer on the job and after we retire.  Anything we can do to reduce that chance should be done. 

My only problem with the DFS screening program is that it doesn’t have more screenings.  A firefighter’s chance of getting many different cancers is substantially higher than the general population.  The more types of cancer we are screened for, the better chance of finding and treating the cancer.. 

Firefighters need better communication with our primary care physicians. We have to educate them about the cancer risks to firefighters. When I speak with physicians about my work and occupational risks, I often think that they don't understand. Sometimes their attitude is, "I’m the MD, not you.  What do you know?" I know that I’ve lost many friends and co-workers to cancer and that many more had their lives turned upside down by cancer.  That's what I know..

I want to thank Dr. Kannler and all of the other physicians and nurses in the program for the wonderful way you treat us.  Your kindness, compassion and professionalism has not gone unnoticed.

On a personal note, Dr. Kannler's late brother Pete was my friend. There is no better way to honor Pete and all the other like him than to get involved in programs like this. Sign up for your screenings soon.

Firefighter Joanie Cullinan, Wellesley Fire Department

In this video, FF Joanie Cullinan and Dr. Christine Kannler talk about a free skin cancer screening that saved FF Cullinan's life. Saving Lives with Early Detection - One Firefighter's Story.